
P'nawn gwahanol yn y Cae Ras

Mi gawsom prynhawn gwahanol yn y Cae Ras wrth i John Toshack dod i Wrecsam er mwyn dadorchuddio y plac arbennig 'ma. Rhan o gyfres o blaciau ydy hi sy'n cael eu gosod mewn manau wahanol dros y Gogledd efo cysylltiadau ffilm. Er enghraifft mae 'na un ym Mwlch Llanberis sy'n dathlu'r faith gafodd 'Carry on up the Kaiber' ei saethu yna (dychi'n dysgu rhywbeth pob dydd!). Mi gawson ni syndod braf i weld argraff o golgeidwad Cymru 1906, sef L.R. Roose (cefnder fy Nhaid) ar y plac ei hun. Mae'n neis gweld y Gymraeg uwchben i'r Saesneg hefyd!

Ar ol dadorchuddiodd Tosh y plac, mi chwaraeodd criw o hogiau ifanc o ysgol lleol gem byr yn yr un dull a chafodd peldroed ei chwarae cant mlynedd yn ol, hynny yw llawer mwy corfforol ac efo bron pawb chwaraewyr yn rhedeg ar ol y pel trwy'r amser, dim 4-4-2 ac ati. Y canlyniad oedd 1-1 ond doedd dim ots amdanhi mewn gwirionydd. Derbyniodd yr hogiau i gyd tystysgrif gan rheolwr tim Cymru er mwyn dathlu y dydd.

Mae'r plac yn mynd i gael ei codi tu gefn i'r 'MFM Stand' ar Ffordd Yr Wyddgrug, felly fydd hi yna i nodi'r digwyddiad hanesyddol yma am flynyddoedd i ddod yn gobeithiol.


Rhys Wynne said...

S'mai Neil,

Dwi'n gefnogwr Wrecsam ac wedi derbyn y gwahoddiad canlynol i gyfarfod agored, ble bydd y ffilm yn cael ei dangos. Efallai dy fod wedi ei weld yn barod, ond os ddim dyma gyfle:

Wrexham Supporter Trust is inviting all Wrexham fans to a public meeting next Thursday night (6th April) at the William Aston Hall (Newi), starting at 7.30 pm.

And a number of former players will be present at what promises to be a very important evening for all Wrexham fans.

The news that the Moss/Dickens consortium has signed an exclusivity agreement with the administrators has brought the club a step closer to the survival and although there are several hurdles to overcome this news has raised the morale of Wrexham supporters everywhere. These are exciting times for Wrexham supporters. The Trust has welcomed the news about Neville Dickens and Geoff Moss and we want to help their bid to be successful.

But fans should not think that everything is now resolved. There is still a lot of hard work needed and that is why the Trust plans to explore all opportunities for fundraising at Thursday night’s meeting.

The line up for Thursday night is taking shape, and special guest speakers will include former reds favorite Gary Bennett, local MP Ian Lucas and Phil Tooley from the Supporters Direct organization.

All of the supporters groups will be represented including by the Official Supporters Association, the Shropshire Reds, the Buckley Reds, the Holywell reds....and the newly forming Rhos Reds! London Reds are of course welcome too although it is a long journey to North Wales for a Thursday night meeting!

Shortly before the official start at 7.30 pm the world's oldest survival film record of an international match will be played – showing footage Wales v Ireland at the Racecourse in April 1906 from the recently discovered Mitchell and Kenyon archive.

Lots of fundraising ideas are being lined up and there will be news of a big challenge that everyone can get involved in to help secure a role for supporters in the future of our club.

Also club merchandise will be on sale and there will be a raffle with an outstanding prize.

neil wyn said...

Diolch Rhys am roi wybod i mi. Mi welais i'r ffilm ar dydd sul, roedd 'na rhywun efo prosiectwr yn ei ddangos hi ar wal o dan yr eisteddle. Braf bod y Cae Ras hanesyddol yn mynd i barhau fel stadiwm. Roedd Toshack yn son dydd sul am y posibilrwydd o warae ambell gem Cymru rhywbryd yn y dyfodol...